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“Pond Went From Green to Brown Overnight” What’s That All About?
“Pond was green water yesterday now today its brown what should I do is this a problem.” Dr. Johnson: “I’m… read more “Pond Went From Green to Brown Overnight” What’s That All About?

Why is “Saving Sick Fish” $24.99? What Comes With That?
To order:

One Way To Control Common Pond Snails Choking Your System: Assassin Snails
Pond Snail Cure: The playing field in the battle against invasive small pond snails changed dramatically when the Assassin… read more One Way To Control Common Pond Snails Choking Your System: Assassin Snails

“A Too Clean Aquarium or Pond? Why Some Mulm is Good”
Cloudy Water in Ponds and Aquariums Water Clarity / Water Clouding is conditioned on FIVE or SIX different kinds of… read more “A Too Clean Aquarium or Pond? Why Some Mulm is Good”

“A Too Clean Aquarium or Pond? Why Some Mulm is Good”
Cloudy Waterin Ponds and Aquariums Water Clarity / Water Clouding is conditioned on FIVE or SIX different kinds of organism…. read more “A Too Clean Aquarium or Pond? Why Some Mulm is Good”

How To Get Rid of River Otters
The River Otter is a rather large predator of fish of all kinds. In a pond they are devastating because… read more How To Get Rid of River Otters

“Saving Sick Fish” by Dr. Erik Johnson
Forty page crash course with NO 'unnecessary' topics or information. You can solve fish health problems quickly and develop adequate… read more “Saving Sick Fish” by Dr. Erik Johnson

The New Book Is Here
An introduction and link to the book.

Saving Sick Fish: How to Save Fish FAST!
The TLDR of Fish Health. Mastery in 40 pages. The new book by Dr Erik Johnson ( and… read more Saving Sick Fish: How to Save Fish FAST!